Compensation weekend - June 3+4

  • Dear Community,

    We continue to combat the attacks we have been targeted with in recent days, aiming to minimize the impact on legitimate players. The servers are now more stable, providing a more enjoyable experience.

    We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and make adjustments to our systems.

    To compensate for the inconvenience caused by this situation, we will activate the following events on all servers:

    Sat, Jun 3:
    00:00-23:59: +100% EXP, 24h
    16:00-20:00: Fishing Jigsaw, 4h

    Sun, Jun 4:
    00:00-23:59: +100% EXP, 24h
    16:00-20:00: Moonlight (normal), 4h

    Free offers in ItemShop, 1x per account (between Jun 3, 00:00 and Jun 11, 23:59):

    - Silver Box (contains 3d versions of: Third Hand, Experience Ring, Thief's Glove and Medal of Luck)
    - Auto Hunting (3d)

    Your Metin2 Team